Sambucabowl 2524 !!! Vilipendio alla vecchia!! Parma , 6 gennaio 2024

Home Forum Tornei Sambucabowl 2524 !!! Vilipendio alla vecchia!! Parma , 6 gennaio 2024

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    • #1693

      Torna il primo torneo dell’anno!

      il ruleset seguirà fedelmente  l’eurobowl 2024.
      Manterremo la Consueta house rule del “sambuca reroll”.
      Ricordo inoltre che il torneo sarà gemellato Con il tortellinobowl, e costituirà il trofeo “COMBINATA PERMA-MODNA”, con premi per i Migliori in classifica presenti ad entrambi i tornei! Sara ovviamente richiesta la Sanzionata alla N.A.F.I.A.


      Torneo Exhibition BB2020 + Documento NAF Approval 2022 + Spike 14 Norse + Spike 15 Amazon+ spike 16 Vampires.
      Ressurrection Tournament
      Team Building and Creation:
      Follow Eurobowl 2024 Ruleset.
      · Max time per match : 2 h e 15’
      · We allow non-painted teams, but the miniatures are to be recognizable for bloodbowl rules.

      · SAMBUCA REROLL: once per match, you can use a Tortellino reroll. Treat this as a normal one, but roll a die: on 2-6 nothing happens. On “1” the player who performed the action gain bone-head , drunkyard and dauntless for the entire drive to simulate the drunk effect!
      · Weather : we create a special Weather table. It is mostly similar to the original, taking two differences:
      result of 4: Plains Humidity- take a penalty of -1 on throwing, receving, intercepting or picking up the ball (cumulative)
      result of 10: Foggy!
      Only Quick-Short passes are allowed. Receveirs on a pass take a – 1 (cumulative)
      · 3 matches totally
      · swiss pairing
      · never meet the same opponent.
      Tie Breakers & Results: same as The NAF BB Wordl Cup 2023 official rules.
      A concession will give -3 points the coach and the result will be 0-3.
      4 mins rule active if necessary.
      chessclock or similar recommended



      – Eurobowl Greece 2024 Ruleset

      A coach may choose one champion race to represent him in the Clash of Titans, the so-called Eurobowl!.

      Champions of Zeus (Tier1): Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Underworld Denizens.
      King of the Gods. God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, and justice.
      Champions of Hera (Tier2): Amazons, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Wood Elves
      Queen of the Gods. Goddess of marriage, women, marital harmony, and the protector of women during childbirth.
      Champions of Poseidon (Tier3): High Elves, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Tomb Kings, Elven Union, Vampires.
      King of the sea. God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses.
      Champions of Demeter (Tier4): Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Old World Alliance, Slann.
      Goddess of the harvest, agriculture, fertility, and sacred law.
      Champions of Hades (Tier5): Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Nurgle.
      King of the underworld. God of the dead and riches.
      Champions of Hestia (Tier6): Goblins, Ogres, Halflings, Snotlings.
      Goddess of the domestic and civic hearth, sacred and sacrificial fire, virginity, family, and the state.

      Gifts of Apollo: A coach must take the appropriate Starting Gold and Skill Points (SP), according to his/her Tier.
      Tier 1: 1150k & 06 SP,maximum 1 secondary skill
      Tier 2: 1160k & 07 SP, maximum 1 secondary skill
      Tier 3: 1170k & 08 SP, maximum 2 secondary skills
      Tier 4: 1180k & 09 SP, maximum 2 secondary skills
      Tier 5: 1190k & 10 SP, maximum 3 secondary skills
      Tier 6: 1200k & 11 SP, unlimited secondary skills
      Primary Skill = 1 SP
      Secondary Skill = 2 SP
      0-8 Re-Rolls, cost depending on race.
      0-6 Assistant coaches for 10k.
      0-12 Cheerleaders for 10k.
      0-1 Apothecary, depending on race.
      1-6 Dedicated fans for 10k,
      be aware that every team begins with 0 in Dedicated fans.
      God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, sunlight, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young.

      Gifts of Hephaestus:
      0-1 Team Mascot for 30k available to all teams.
      0-1 Weather Mage for 30k available to all teams.
      0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs each for 50k available to all teams.
      0-3 Bribes for 100k each, for “Bribery and Corruption” teams
      50k each.
      0-1 Josef Bugman for 100k available to all teams.
      0-1 Mortuary Assistant for 100k available to teams with the
      “Sylvanian Spotlight” special rule.
      0-1 Plague Doctor for 100k available to teams with the
      “Favored of Nurgle” special rule.
      0-2 Wandering Apothecaries for 100k available to teams that can
      include an apothecary.
      0-1 Master Chef for 300k, for 100k available to teams with the
      “Halfling Thimble Cup” special rule.
      God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges, the art of sculpture, technology, and blacksmiths.

      Gifts of Dionysus:
      A roster cannot induce bribes if there is a player with the Sneaky Git skill AND/OR the Secret Weapon skill. Goblin and Snotling teams have managed to find a “legal” way to avoid this rule, so they can induce bribes while their roster contains players with the Secret Weapon skill BUT NOT the Sneaky Git skill.
      God of wine, vegetation, fertility, festivity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theater.

      A Coach MAY choose only one of the following Blessings.

      Spartan Roster: No blessings(Vanilla Roster)
      The roster is created with all the above rules.
      Spartans,known for their brevity.

      Blessing of Hermes: (Extra gold)
      One or more Skill Points can be exchanged for gold at a ratio of 30k per 1SP that will not be used. This MUST NOT take team value above 1200K before added skills.
      God of boundaries, roads and travelers, thieves, athletes, shepherds, commerce, speed, cunning, wit, magic, and sleep. Psychopomp and divine messenger.

      Blessing of Artemis: (Skill stacking)
      By losing a Skill Point, you are able to stack skills to players in your roster, limiting the use according to the tier.
      1 Skill Stack for Tier 1-2,
      2 Skill Stacks for Tier 3-4,
      3 Skill Stacks for Tier 5-6.
      Additional Primary Skills = 1 SP (Skill Stacking)
      Additional Secondary Skills = 2 SP (Skill Stacking)
      You only lose ONE Skill point regardless of the tier you have chosen.

      Example: A High Elf team (tier 3) would lose 1 skill point to put 2 skill stackings on the roster.
      Goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, the Moon, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, and archery.

      Blessing of Ares: (Star Players)
      One (1) Star Player can be rostered for Tier 1-4 teams, up to two (2) Star Players can be rostered for Tier 5-6 teams.
      Star Players in couples count as two Star Players for the roster.
      For every Star Player acquired additional Skill Points cost as follows:
      Star player cost:000-099k, lose 1 Skill point.
      Star player cost:100-199k, lose 2 Skill points.
      Star player cost:200-299k, lose 3 Skill points.
      Star player cost:300k-399k, lose 4 skill points.

      Exiled in Tartarus:(Banned Star Players)
      Griff Oberwald, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Morg ‘n’ Thorg, Bomber Dribblesnot, Cindy Piewhistle, Deeproot Strongbranch, Kreek Rustgouger, Estelle La Veneaux,Dribl & Drull, Varag Ghoul-Chewer.

      The same Champion of Ares cannot play in a game where both coaches have rostered them.
      God of war and courage.

      Blessing of Athena: (Extra skill point)
      One extra Skill Point is gained, as long as the usage of the Skill Points from the coach does not exceed in total 3 times that skill in the roster (including built-in skills). This extra skill should not exceed in total 3 times that skill in the roster too.

      Example: A dark elf team with 4 blitzers, 2 witches and 5 LineElves can have this extra skill as long as the Skill Points from the tier and the extra Skill Point from the blessing do not add the Block skill because there are already more than 3 but not from the skill point usage, and can add maximum 1 more Dodge skill because there are already 2 in the roster and by spending 1 Skill Point the total number reaches 3.
      Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and handicraft.
      Draconian Laws

      The Tournament uses the Bloodbowl 2020 edition Exhibition play rules. The English version will be used to settle any discrepancies in the rules or rulespack between versions in different languages.

      Vampires are the latest addition to the game and have been included fully. We retain the right to use or discard any and all rules published after 6th of November 2023.

      La Corte di Odino, Via Mantova, 72, 43122 Parma PR


      Sabato 6 gennaio
      -9.00-9.30: briefing e iscrizioni
      -9.30-11.45: prima partita
      -12.00-12:45: pausa pranzo
      -12.45-15.00: seconda partita
      -15.00-15.15 merenda
      -15.15-17:30 terza partita
      -17.45 premiazioni e saluti

      da definirsi…

      Premi e affini:
      Primo, secondo e terzo in classifica, Td-scorer, cas-maker e cucchiaione.
      Dovremmo avere risorse e spazio per altri premi, che definiremo.

      richiesta sanzionatura NAF

      Elenco iscritti:
      0-franz (spareggiatore)

    • #1694

      Il regolamento €B è pensato per bilanciare le benedizioni in team da 4 o 8. Il Sambucabowl è un torneo individuale… benedizioni libere?

    • #1703

      Pensavamo di farle libere (in tal caso il roster pack vanilla avrebbe avuto un vantaggio nel T-break.

      In caso possiamo proprio abolirle. Cosa suggerisci?

    • #1716

      devi cambiare lo scoring se vuoi usarle nel T-break, hai messo lo scoring Alycante


    • #1758

      con o senza blessing segna 😉

    • #1759



      Si  giochera’ con le benedizioni, che porteranno penalita’ in caso di pareggio punti come primo fattore T-break.

    • #1770

      Mi vorrei iscrivere

      Nome: CaliTheKing

      Numero Naf: 28790

    • #1807

      Se possibile,

      richiedo iscrizione


    • #1819

      Vengo anche io!

    • #1820

      Da Pavia






    • #1823

      Anche Gian

    • #1829

      Per. Ora 21 iscritti! Forza

    • #1994

      Un piccolo ripasso:
      La Corte di Odino, Via Mantova, 72, 43122 Parma PR

      Sabato 6 gennaio
      -9.00-9.30: briefing e iscrizioni
      -9.30-11.45: prima partita
      -12.00-12:45: pausa pranzo
      -12.45-15.00: seconda partita
      -15.00-15.15 merenda
      -15.15-17:30 terza partita
      -17.45 premiazioni e saluti

      Convenzione 10 euro con Alessio: Megatortellata + caffe e acqua.

      Premi e affini:
      Tutti premi edibili!
      1,2,3 in classifica, most td e most cas, nonchè la calza della befana per l’ultimo coach!

      Sanzionatura NAF ottenuta


      Iscritti al 4 gennaio 2024:
      0-franz (spareggiatore)
      1- Corra (valean)
      2- Vyper
      3- bombardiere
      4- Mikelangelo90
      5- baphomet
      6- asso
      7- dimmo
      8- giope
      9- begur
      10- chiave


    • #1995


      Iscrizione 10 euro, con questa coppia di dadini nuovi in omaggio!


    • #1996

      Primo Premio, gentilmente offerto dal nostro Oste, Alessio!


    • #1997

      un’ ultima precisazione: il sistema di score sara’ modificato con un apposita variante, con “BLESS Penalty”

      Blessing of Hermes: 1 Penalty Point
      Blessing of Artemis: 2 Penalty Point
      Blessing of Ares: 3 Penalty Point
      Blessing of Athena: 4 Penalty Point

      Questo influenzera’ solo ed esclusivamente il TB in caso di pareggio al termine dei tre round, e costituire il primo discriminante.

    • #1998

      Iscritti al 5 gennaio 2024:
      0-franz (spareggiatore)
      1- Corra (valean)
      2- Vyper
      3- bombardiere
      4- Mikelangelo90
      5- baphomet
      6- asso
      7- dimmo
      8- giope
      9- begur
      10- chiave






      Salvo defezioni o aggiunte dell’ultimo minuto.

    • #2132

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