Taggato: Italian open
- Questo topic ha 6 risposte, 4 partecipanti ed è stato aggiornato l'ultima volta 4 mesi, 1 settimana fa da
1 Settembre 2024 alle 14:32 #2744
PartecipanteEd eccoci arrivati a presentare il post per la ventesima edizione dell’italian open, che diventa ufficialmetne il torneo di due giorni più vecchio in Italia.
Ovviamente sanzionato NAF
Sempre al circolo arci Guernelli
Via Antonio Gandusio, 6, 40126 Bologna BO
Ritrovo e iscrizione: 8:00
Prima partita: 8:30-10:45
Seconda partita con pausa pranzo: 11:00-13:45
Terza partita 14:00-16:15
Quarta partita 16:30-18:45
Prima partita: 9:30-11:45
Pausa pranzo 12:00-13:00
Seconda partita: 13:15-15:30
Premiazioni e saluti
5 punti per la vittoria
2 per il pareggio
0 per la sconfitta
-5 per la concessione
**Team Building:**
Tier 1
Shambling Undead, Dwarf, Dark Elf, Underworld, Orc, Amazon
1150 TV
100TV spending cash
no skill stacking
No secondary skills
Up to 1 star player
No stat increases
Tier 2
Lizardmen, Norse, Skaven, Vampire, Wood Elf, Chaos Dwarf
1160 TV
120TV spending cash
no skill stacking
No secondary skills
Up to 1 star player
No stat increases
Tier 3
Human, Necromantic Horror, Slann
1170 TV
140TV spending cash
can skill stack on 1 player
Maximum of 2 secondary skills
Up to 1 star player
+AV, +PA, +MA, +AG on maximum of one player
Tier 4
Elven Union, Khorne, Imperial Nobility, Tomb Kings
1180 TV
160TV spending cash
can skill stack on 1 player
Maximum of 2 secondary skills
Up to 1 star player
+AV, +PA, +MA, +AG on maximum of one player
Tier 5
Black Orc, Chaos Renegade, High Elf, Old World Alliance, Gnomes
1180 TV
170TV spending cash
can skill stack on 2 players
Maximum of 2 secondary skills
Up to 1 star player
+AV, +PA, +MA, +AG on maximum of one player
Tier 6
Chaos Chosen, Nurgle, Snotling
1190 TV
180TV spending cash
can skill stack on 3 players
Maximum of 2 secondary skills
Up to 2 star player
Any stat on maximum of one player
Tier 7
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre
1200 TV
220TV spending cash
can skill stack on any numbers of players
Any numbers of secondary skills
Up to 2 star player
Any stat on maximum of two player but thay must be different stat
**Adding skills**
You can use your Spending Cash to improve your players by buying them skills and/or, if permitted by your tier, stat increases.
The table above will tell you whether your chosen race is permitted to give players secondary skills, stack skills, and/or improve a stat. The table to the right will tell you how much TV each choice will cost. ‘Stacking’ is where a single player is given more than one improvement. At least one of these improvements must be a primary skill.
No player may be given more than two additional skills as improvements.
Players with stacked skills may also be given a stat improvement – this means that in this case an individual player may have up to three improvements. However, in this case, both of the additional skills which they have been given must be primary skills.
Giving a stat improvement to a player with one additional skill counts as stacking.
If a team is permitted to ‘stack’ skills, this means that they may give a player or players up to two additional skills, and if permitted by tier, one stat improvement. If two skills are added, at least one of these skills must be a primary skill.
AV, MA or PA improvement=30
AG improvement=40
ST improvement=50
Certain stacking combos
If certain pairs of skills are taken as additional skills for a player, 50TV will be required, on top of the normal costs for the skills. This cost comes from Spending Cash. These pairs are:
– Tackle and Mighty Blow
– Sneaky Git and Dirty Player
If a player already has one of the skills in the combinations above, they are able to take the remaining skill without paying the additional 50TV.
The following inducements are available for coaches to roster on their teams. Coaches may hire the following inducements (if the Blood Bowl rulebook says that it is available to their race):
Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2
Bribes 0-3
Wandering Apothecaries 0-2
Mortuary Assistant 0-1
Plague Doctor 0-1
Riotous Rookies 0-1
Biased Ref 0-1
Halfling Master Chef 0-1
Weather Mage 0-1
Josef Bugman 0-1
Necromancers can resurrect a single killed opponent to use as a zombie who will play for the team for that game only. After the game, the team loses any player gained during the game. The same applies to Plague Ridden and Nurgle teams.
Several very special Star Players have come to play with Italian open this year, the historical players of Bologna.
No other stars, including stars found in any official rules, are permitted.
For stunty meaning halfling, goblin, ogre, snotling and gnome
Tutti i premi comprenderanno una coppa, o medaglia, accompagnati da un premio gastronomico
Ogni giocatore potrà avere massimo un premio.
Primo classificato
Secondo classificato
Terzo classificato
Quarto classificato
Best TD
Most Cas
Best stunty
Best paint
CSE – Comitato della salvaguardia dell’elfo (Al miglior elfo classificato)
Cucchiaio di legno
25 Ottobre 2024 alle 7:10 #2806
0. Fackko
1. Marcocaccia
2. Alecaccia
3. Hippie
4. Lordberto
5. Zerema
6. Thunderduck
7. Dalmo
8. Keke
9. Carletto
10. Tablo
11. Ramino
12. Al3x
13. Panicoblack
14. Yena
15. Badstorm
16. Zama
17. Serafino
18. Canta
19. Talti
20. Liam
21. Vyper
22. Bombardiere
23. Gian
24. Nazzareno
25. RainMat
26. Pheonix_No_Ikki
27. SandmanMusashi
28. Mano
29. Dadde (detto il merda)
30. Mirfar
31. Fanky
32. Serpe
33. Lasgalen
34. Mikelangelo90
35. Bubinho -
31 Ottobre 2024 alle 15:33 #2836
PartecipanteCi sarò !
31 Ottobre 2024 alle 15:33 #2837
PartecipanteRagà, grazie per le adesioni fin ora registrate! Vi aspettiamo belli carichi
3 Novembre 2024 alle 7:46 #2840
PartecipanteAggiorno la lista con le ultime richieste
0. Fackko
1. Marcocaccia
2. Alecaccia
3. Hippie
4. Lordberto
5. Zerema
6. Thunderduck
7. Dalmo
8. Keke
9. Carletto
10. Tablo
11. Ramino
12. Al3x
13. Panicoblack
14. Yena
15. Badstorm
16. Zama
17. Serafino
18. Canta
19. Talti
20. Liam
21. Vyper
22. Bombardiere
23. Gian
24. Nazzareno
25. RainMat
26. Pheonix_No_Ikki
27. SandmanMusashi
28. Mano
29. Dadde (detto il merda)
30. Mirfar
31. Fanky
32. Serpe
33. Lasgalen
34. Mikelangelo90
35. Bubinho
36. Buttinho
37. Kaltenland
38. Moro
39. Arioch
40. Baphomet
41. Andrella -
4 Novembre 2024 alle 15:45 #2844
PartecipanteAAA piccola informazione di servizio!
Abbiamo deciso di organizzare un piccolo rinfresco, sabato 16 dopo il 4° match, per festeggiare i 20 anni di Italian Open!
20 anni dal primo torneo da 2 giorni italiano di #bloodbowl
Quindi sembrava carino fare una sorta di festa di compleanno e quindi festeggiare tutti assieme!
7 Novembre 2024 alle 9:03 #2847
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